the life we are currently leading...: September 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
「 invaded it on 10:11 PM 」


I guessed many of you knew about the teacher proclaiming that he's gay on his blog thingy.

So I am announcing that I am BOTAK and GAY.

Gay as in happy of course.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007
「 invaded it on 3:19 PM 」


I know it's been a bloody long time since I last posted.

I know all of you are clinging to small hope that I would blog before EOY starts. So I am here now.

So much things had happened since my last post, that now I have a problem remembering them now. But anyway, let me blog about more recent stuff.

Teacher's Day. The usual stuff, morning assembly-concert-party. Nothing worth much mentioning, though I feel this year's concert is disappointing. Few items, no creativity, only part that is enjoyable is the guessing game, and video which featured Toady. The acapella thing isn't bad, but including the Professor in the team, I think, is a bad idea.

Imagine that the others are tooting away. He adjusts his tie, cleared his voice, picks up his beloved book, entitled "Professor's Theories : 101st edition". After turning to page 14738, section 57 of 102, paragraph 6, he walked to the microphone and gave a speech like C.Tan

Bloody Hell. He might be guillotined.

I doubt I would be updating my blog soon. Got to mug for EOYs. Keep those tags coming.

I will be back :)